Atom interferometers are some of the most sensitive sensors that have ever been built. They work on the same principle as light interferometers - propagate a wave in two different directions, subject the propagations to different conditions, and then bring them back to interfere and observe the corresponding interference pattern.
Conventional light interferometers have some disadvantages. Light moves very fast, so the arms of the interferometer must be somewhat long in order for it to "get anywhere". We are also limited in what wavelengths of light we can use for conventional interferometers by the availability of lasers at various wavelengths.
By taking advantage of the de Broglie wavelength of matter, we can treat ultracold atoms as waves, and use them to build smaller, more sensitive interferometers. These atoms move much more slowly than light, allowing for miniturization of the apparatus. In addition, their quantum wavelengths can be much shorter than conventional light, which allows for more sensitive measurements.
Shaken lattice atom interferometers are a variant on conventional atom interferometers. They work by trapping atoms in a lattice of laser light, and then "shaking the lattice" to quantize the atomic momenta into two groups. These groups counter propagate, and then can be bounced back by the laser to cause them to interfere. This allows for additional minituriazation of the sensor.
The University of Texas is playing a leading role in NASA's new Quantum Pathways Institute, which was established to develop shaken lattice atom interferometers for climate sensing applications in outer space. Some press releases have been linked below.
NASA Press Release